Holiday Season madness

With the official crazy season already upon us… not mentioning the C word here to add to our worries… We are all finding ourselves more home-bound than ever before with more stress, possibly less available income and more time on our hands that what we would like. Finding that inner rest has become more important to keep searching for those little pockets of sanity. You know where I’m going with this right…. Throughout 2020 there has been an enormous plant parent boom… Instagram influencers and social media has been showered – like rain – with thousands of additional followers and its easy to understand why… plants ease depression and anxiety and bring calmness into our homes and beings. We find that by caring for something other than ourselves, gives us purpose and hope.
Tip: As a new plant parent, success with your first succulent type plant may have your home transformed into tropical forest in no time, try the peperomias or hoyas.
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