
Caladium hortulanum bleeding heart
This striking leaf with dark red veins, pink center and ruffled green edges make this a popular caladium. As a shade plant, with little requirements it is very easy to grow as a potted plant indoors. It produces small calla-type flowers during June and July. The tubers can be planted indoors in early spring in rich well-draining soil, keep moist and warm, and the leaves will emerge in 4-6 weeks.
The caladium can tolerate 1-2 hours morning sunlight or bright indirect light. Water when the top ¼ pot of soil is dry using a deep water-tray for 15-20 minutes and keep humidity high by using a pebble tray but do not let stand in water. Fertilize during growing period only. All caladiums can also be planted in a shady area in your garden during the summer and the tubers dug up in autumn and stored inside during winter to be replanted again in early summer.
Prone to root rot draughts, cold, heating, aphids
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“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”
Audrey Hepburn