
Cordyline fruticosa new congo
This is quite a hardy plant with spear shaped, leathery leaves with white edges and when growing outside, get flowers during summer with berries following after.
Needs 4-5 hours of bright indirect morning or late afternoon light and medium humidity by misting. Too much light will cause the leaves to lose their colour. Soil should be moist and not allowed to stand in water and diluted weak fertilizer can be given in spring and mid-summer. Will benefit from cleaning the leaves as with all broad-leafed plants. The lower leaves will drop off if the soil is too dry. Should the cordyline lose its leaves, prune back to where you want new stems to sprout or not more than 10cm above the soil to promote new growth. Pruning will stimulate new branches.
Prone to spider-mites and draughts
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“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”
Audrey Hepburn